Reusabelles Fitted and BreeZe Wrap
Video by Amy Mck who designed the Reusabelles and BreeZe
- start by setting the rise snaps to set the size of both the Reusabelles Fitted and Breeze Wrap
to achieve this, place the back edge of the nappy just above the bum crack (washable nappies sit much lower in the back than disposables), bring the front over and up between babies legs where it should sit comfortably below the tummy button.
tuck the extra material towards the top of the nappy between the snaps.
-Start with the Reusabelles Fitted. To achieve a snug fit, gently pull the sidetab up towards the armpit, and then round to the front. Repeat on the otherside. Snap the waist poppers first, and then the hip poppers where they sit comfortably,
- You should be able to easily place two fingers in the front when baby is lying down to allow space for sitting up. The tabs should sit flat and not puckered. While not essential, for the best looking fit, tuck the wings under the waistline.
-When the Reusabelles is on, place the BreeZe wrap over the top. gently pull the sidetab up towards the armpit, and then round to the front. Repeat on the other side. Snap the waist poppers first, and then the hip poppers where they sit comfortably,
- The BreeZe wrap should be loose over the fitted making sure the fleece binding is against the skin, and not on the reusabelles fitted.
- Untuck the legs so they sit loosely on the thigh. A leg gap is fine
- Make sure any pajamas are loose, and not tight over the night nappy.
BreeZe wraps can also be used during the day as they fit well over fitted nappies and flat nappies.